Compunet Technologies


Working Together With Local Businesses

You need many people and organizations to create and maintain any business, from the janitor who cleans your building to the celebrity who endorses your brands. This concept translates to […]

Please Don’t Tell Me My Hard Drive Failed

The day starts out like any other day, you turn on your computer, check your emails, start creating a document in word; but today is not like any other day, […]

Open Data: What are the Implications for the Smaller Business?

What exactly is meant by the term “open data”? More specifically, what does it mean for your small business? Open data is the concept of certain data being freely available […]

Know When to Hold and When to Fold – The Art of Giving Up

Sometimes, you just have to know when to quit. Yes, we’re talking about your business, and I know you’ve poured your heart and soul into it. You’ve probably logged too […]

Thinking of Building an App? – Five Things to Consider Before You Start

Building a company app can open up all sorts of doors for you. It can lead to new marketing frontiers, provide better and more up to the minute information to […]

“Heartbleed” Threat Affects Entire Internet – What You Should Do

You’ve probably been hearing about it. There’s a bug…a security hole on the internet in the secure socket layer called “Heartbleed.” You may not understand some of the words I […]

Diminishing Attention Spans – How to Catch and Keep Zapper-man

Once upon a time, the adult attention span was twelve minutes. An average adult could stay focused on a task for twelve minutes without becoming distracted. In today’s modern, 24/7, […]

How Biometric Technology Will Impact Your Business

Biometric technology is a technology of the now. It’s already fairly well developed and advanced. Not to say that additional advances aren’t coming, but you won’t have to wait five […]

The Mission Statement: Useful Management Tool Or Tired Old Claptrap?

There are some in management, not many, but some, who live and breathe the notion of the Mission Statement. These people tend to be almost evangelical about it, preaching the […]

Bringing It All Back Home: Why It Makes Sense To Manufacture In The USA

In order to understand why “re-shoring” makes sense, you’ve first got to understand why off-shoring made sense. Off-shoring (along with “downsizing” and “rightsizing”- probably two of the most despised terms […]


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